Monday, December 1, 2008


We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We went to Cincinnati for the day.The food was
great and so was the company.
The young ones had a ball playing outside
since it was nice that day. Rachael and
Braeden were best buds. Thanks Rachael for
watching him.

Braeden giving Grandpappy a big hug before they
had to leave to go back to Dayton.

Some of the kids playing Duck, Duck, Goose
out in the front yard.
It was so good to see everyone that was there,
but we missed everyone that couldn't be there.
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day
I talked with John William and he said he got
to have a turkey dinner at the truckstop, but
I'm sure he didn't get to have his favorite,
giblets gravy. Mom and Joe went to Donna's
house for a couple of days. We want all
our family to know how thankful we are
to have them in our lives and that we treasure
each moment that we get to spend with them.

1 comment:

Chasteen News Updates said...

Ahh Braeden is getting to so big. Kristy said she went to Cinn. for Thanksgiving. I am so happy they got to spend Thanksgiving with some family. Poor John nope he didn't get his favorites. I think he is getting used to this truck stop food, LOL. Glad you had a great Holiday, Hope Christmas is just as special..Kathleen