Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trip to Va.!!!

After leaving the cabin in Tn., I headed north to
spend some time with Jennifer and the grandkids.
It was a 7 1/2 hour drive so it took most of the day.
It was great to get to spend a week with them.
We also had Christmas while we were there. Here
are some pictures of them while opening their
gifts. Jake opening his gift from Great Grandma
and Grandpa Compston.

Autumn opening her gift from Great Grandma and
Great Grandpa Compston.

Bryson opening his present from Great Grandma
and Great Grandpa Compston, Jake checking it out.

Jennifer opening her gift from Grandma and
Grandpa Compston.

Jake opening his gift from John and I.

Autumn opening her present from John and I.

Bryson opening his gift from John and I.

Both the boys checking out Bryson's gift.

Jennifer got her pizza pan that she wanted and
made pizza on it while we were there.

Jennifer opening her gift.
While I was there they happen to get a snow storm.
The electric went off a couple of times, for a couple
of hours at a time. This is Jennifer all snuggled
up in a blanket.

Talking about getting tired of shoveling snow,
Jennifer and I took turns going out about ever
couple of hours to keep the driveway clear.
After it had mostly stopped I got out and cleared
the cars off.
They got around 18 inches. I was going to leave
on Sunday,but delayed that for a day.
Chrissy was able to come spend the week also.
This is a lap quilt that she made John and I for
Christmas. She did a wonderful job on it, also
one of my favorite colors.
I had a wonderful time sitting around talking and
reminiscing. We had a lot of laughs. Thanks,
Jennifer for having me!!!

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