Our trip to Jenny Wiley started out with me driving 7 hours with the camper to Ky. I got there at about 3 p.m. John got there at about 2 a.m. on Sat. morning, Grandma and Grandpa got there at around 1:30 p.m. on Sat. We sat and played cards that afternoon which should be no suprise to most of you. We went out to eat that night and then to the Mountain Arts Canter to see a show. Grandma and Grandpa Stayed with us that night in the camper, yes they do still camp with us. On Sunday we went up to the pool and waited for Autumn to get there. That night we went to see The Wizard of OZ, at the theatre there. It was really good and Autumn got to get her picture taken with some of the actors. On Monday Autumn slept in till 10:30 a.m. and Grandpappy and Great Grandpa went golfing. After Autumn finally got up we went to the store and then we went to the pool. Autumn and Grandpappy had to leave that evening to go back to Chicago because Autumn was going to fly back home. So we had supper and they left. We were sad to see Autumn go but we had tons of fun with her here and hopefully we can do it again next year. Here are a few pictures that were taken
Looking for a horse, found a dog
My mother's mare Rosie, escaped from her paddock and terrorized the back
roads of Roopville for five days total, giving us a good scare. The night
8 years ago
Grandma and Grandpappy, That was awesome! I love that moment of my life! Thank you for letting me come and play! Can't wait to do it again next summer! Especially swimming in the big pool!!!! I love you,
Hey, I got home today and Autumn has been talking nonstop about all the fun stuff she got to do! Some of the highlights were the Wizard of Oz, playing with Bethannie, going to the "parfait" (she meant buffet) with great grandma and great grandpa, sleeping with Grandma, and swimming in the pool with Grandpappy. IT sounds like she had the time of her life. We can't thank you enough for letting her come to play and taking such good care of her! She is already talking about next summer. Thanks so much!
Dave and Jenn
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