Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Still working

In Feb. it was mostly all work. The houses are coming along and I've had only melt down. This trying to get two house done in the same amount of time is for the birds. Hopefully they will both be done soon. Thanks to Kristy and Travis for their help. I have also gotten to spend a little bit more time than I would have with Braeden, it's always nice to see the grand kids. Will be glad to have the comforts of home again since here I have a air mattress and a T.V. and of course Stove and refrig. We went to the house in South Carolina just to check on it and pick up mail. To our surprise as I looked out of our back window I saw tree limbs and went out to look and a large limb had fallen onto the deck, I guess when they had, had a wind storm. So, John spent part of our weekend cleaning up the mess. We were lucky that it only damaged the guttering, it did put a rub mark on the window, but it could have broken the large window back there. So just more guttering we have to get replaced. We also had a new addition to the family this month, Jennifer and David had a little boy, Bryson David on the 23rd.

1 comment:

Shumaker said...

You all and those trees. they just love falling by your house. I am glad it did not do anything besides the gutter damage to the house. That would have stunk since you were not there to even know it had happened.